Our Projects
The pursuit of energy independence in the City of Ukiah is a constant. Ukiah is a member of a consortium of northern CA cities called Northern California Energy Authority. Ukiah’s proximity to Geothermal energy gives it good energy resilience, but we are advocating for the City to install solar arrays and battery storage for power shutoffs and more energy independence.
When a car is Idling, harmful chemicals such as NOX, SOX, CO, and CO2 are released into the atmosphere. These pollutants have many adverse affects on our community and the environment we live in. Our group aims to spread information about the dangers of Idling.
Another project we have been focused on is Food and Recycling Waste. We have met with local high school students as well as the City of Ukiah to educate local residents on handling of food waste and recycling. Our local North Coast Opportunities office has been a vital resource for edible food recovery and distribution of food surplus to food insecure members of the community
Climate Action Mendocino is joining several other local organizations to stop planning and construction of new gas stations in the area. In recent years, several other counties, including Sonoma county, ave worked to stop/reduce the amount of new gas stations, and to increase infrastructure to support electric vehicles.
Local Legislation and National Grants
Climate Action Mendocino is working with the City of Ukiah on the soon to be completed Climate Action Plan and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan. To learn more about the specifics of each resolution, check out their respective pages.
As Inflation Reduction Act funds should become available in California, there is a need for a workforce that can install heat pumps, solar, wind, and EV charging stations in both private and commercial settings. As many in this field retire, there is a drop in those capable of these jobs. We have been working with schools to train students to acquire adequate skills to enter the workforce in these areas.